Goodlife Programs & Activities Quick Links:
Goodlife Programs & Activities fosters ongoing community engagement in NH by providing activities that support the independence, and well-being of active adults aged 50 and older.
Here’s an interesting fact; According to the 2019 US Census, 18.7% of New Hampshire’s population is over the age of 65. So let’s talk about Goodlife Programs & Activities in Concord NH, and what they’re doing for that large (and ever-growing) portion of our community.
Wrinkles, reading glasses, and hearing aids are a fact of life. Today some of the most influential and interesting figures are rocking them without missing a beat. That’s the world that Goodlife Programs & Activities lives in; They don’t place confines around what aging should look like. They believe that a healthy senior lifestyle can be an active one. Their programs embrace a lifetime of adventure, engagement, connection, and yes – challenges.
Like all nonprofits, Goodlife Programs & Activities has been pushing through a difficult year brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. They’ve adapted and now have a robust calendar full of Zoom exercise classes, technology training, art classes, and more. They even have plans to resume travel opportunities, once safer days are upon us.
If having a community with an active, and engaged aging population is something that resonates with you, there are a number of ways to enjoy or support their organization. This and more are covered in the brief Q & A below with Susan Greenblott, Executive Director of Goodlife Programs & Activities.

Q: What has been your organization’s biggest achievement in the past year?
A: We have continued to provide free programming every week since we closed our building a year ago due to the pandemic. Videos were posted on Youtube at first, then we transitioned to regularly scheduled Zoom classes.
Q: Share something about your organization or its leaders that the general public might not know.
A: GoodLife was previously the Centennial Senior Center, but we’ve been operating as GoodLife for 7 years now.
Q: What fundraising efforts, volunteer opportunities, or 2021 initiatives would you like to share?
A: Our spring fundraising campaign is kicking off this April. Donations will help support our free programs as well as technology to keep Zoom classes going. You can donate anytime at:
Davis & Towle is the Zoom Exercise Sponsor for March! That’s a great way to show support. Anyone interested in learning more about becoming a Zoom Exercise Sponsor should email me : Susan Greenblott [email protected]
We will also be selling exercise t-shirts and masks as part of our spring fundraiser. Stay tuned for more information on our website!
Q: What’s your favorite motivational quote?
A: Age is just a number.