[Concord, NH / January 25, 2022]
Gather of Portsmouth NH receives a $2,000 gift from Davis & Towle Insurance Group and Co-operative Insurance Companies.
The gift, awarded as part of Co-op’s Community Grants program, will be used for Gather’s Meals 4 Kids and Community Mobile Programming.
“We think Gather does great work to aid in local hunger relief,” said Ryan Towle of Davis & Towle Insurance Group. “We’re proud to support their efforts.”
Co-operative Insurance Companies’ Community Grants Program was established in 2004 to assist with community projects across Vermont and New Hampshire. Through this program, Co-op partners with its agents to provide funds for capital campaigns and operational support throughout the two states.
“Groups like Gather are meeting needs in the same communities that Co-op serves,” said Randy Roy, Co-op’s Senior Vice President of Marketing. “We think it’s important to do our part as neighbors to help them out, and this grant program is one more way we can do that.”
Gather was one of 9 to receive a Community Grant from Co-operative Insurance Companies in 2022.
Gather is an organization that has been fighting to end hunger in the seacoast region of NH since 1816. They run a food pantry, and food distribution program. They collaborate with many community partners on programs that address the root causes of hunger in their community.
Co-operative Insurance Companies has been meeting property and casualty insurance needs since 1915. They offer farm, home, auto, business, and other insurance to Vermont and New Hampshire. It is owned by its members and committed to fast and fair claims service, loss prevention expertise, and local operations.
Davis & Towle Insurance Group, founded in 1954, is one of New Hampshire’s largest locally owned, independent insurance agencies. Their relationship with over 20 top-rated carriers enables them to provide competitive rates and coverage, without compromising the quality service they are known for. Davis & Towle currently offers a wide range of personal insurance, business insurance and life/health benefits.